Data Storage Management & Image Database Management for Data-Intensive Applications.

VideoServers * Pre-Press * Graphics * Document Mgmt. * Medical * Imaging * CAD


The FLEXSTOR software family is a combination of drivers, utilities, and Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) software for magneto-optical (MO), Write-Once-Read-Many(WORM), tape (4mm, 8mm, DLT), and CD-ROM/CD-RECORDABLE drives and jukeboxes. Both command-line and X-Windows- type GUI interfaces are available, providing flexible modes of operation.

Rorke Data, a provider of enterprise-wide data storage management systems, develops and integrates Hierarchical Storage Management (FLEXSTOR-HSM) and Digital File Management (FLEXSTOR-DB) solutions. Our strategic products are designed for networks with homogeneous and heterogeneous computer platforms.

FLEXSTOR HSM can be integrated with FLEXSTOR DB for optimal storage management & database management interaction.

Tape Auto Changers RAID Optical Jukeboxes
Tape Auto Changers RAID Optical Jukeboxes

Now Supporting Sony AIT Tapes w/MIC for the fastest Time-To-Data:

Sony's AIT(Advanced Intelligent Tape) architecture incoporates the MIC chip (Memory In Cassette) a 16-bit EEPROM that provides instant volume & partition data for each tape, so time-to-data is greatly optimized, regardless of physical tape position, the AIT drive can load the tape at any partition, read the system log directly from the MIC and proceed to the targeted area without first reading the tape!


FLEXSTOR JBM, the driver software for optical, CD, and tape, enables you to maximize the inherent advantages of latest storage technology; very high data desities, removability, and random accessibility. FLEXSTOR JBM enables the server to provide a virtually unlimited on-line, transparently managed, mass-storage resource including, WORM, rewritable, and multi-function peripherals. The FLEXSTOR JBM software can be tailored by the system administrator to meet site-specific needs and can easily be upgraded to
FLEXSTOR HSM. Product features include:


FLEXSTOR HSM is today's leading data storage management software for the client/server environment. Its compatibility with multiple platforms and operating systems allow FLEXSTOR HSM to organize and manage the resources of homogeneous and heterogeneous networks independent of your application, kernel, file system, or media.

FLEXSTOR HSM provides a cost effective method of maintaining a high level of data availability. Using FLEXSTOR JBM, on-line media are combined with off-line media into a single storage hierarchy, appearing to users and applications as a standard magnetic disk with virtually unlimited storage capacity. FLEXSTOR HSM features include:


Digital File Repository
  • Flexible Thumbnail Digital File Access and Viewing
  • Easy-to-Use Web Browser Interface
  • Secure Remote Customer Access Via the Internet
  • High Performance "SQL" Database Management
  • Integrated Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM)
  • Scitex IRMX and OPI Compatible
  • Mac, Win 95, NT Client Support
  • User-Definable Search Fields
  • Save Search Bookmarks
  • Batch File Import
  • "Web Centric" Applications Server
  • Easy-to-Use Search Interface
The clear solution to managing all your digital files. FLEXSTOR DB is the first product to combine front office document management with production digital file management in a comprehensive Intranet-based repository. Your staff can now access all the documents and image files required to complete a job at their workstation in a familiar Web Browser environment.

Flexible Thumbnail Digital File Access and Viewing

FLEXSTOR DB is the first product that allows you to manage all the information necessary in your prepress workflow. The product supports virtually any file format via browser plug-ins and callable external viewers for digital prepress files. It also allows you to manage digitized paper documents and other electronic documents.

Easy-to-Use Web Browser Interface

If you have ever surfed the Web you have the basic knowledge necessary to search for, find and view files in the FLEXSTOR DB repository. If you access the Internet from workstations on your network or your network supports TCP/IP you have the basic infrastructure for running FLEXSTOR DB. Workstations access the digital file repository using a Web Browser such as Netscape Navigator.

Secure Remote Customer Access Via the Internet

The use of the "Net" as the backbone for FLEXSTOR DB means your customers have access to the repository over the Internet. Security is assigned to access specific files in the repository.

High Performance "SQL" Database Management

When considering a repository for your files, you want a system that can grow with you. FLEXSTOR DB is built to support the world's best SQL database engines. This means you are only limited by your system's storage resources.

Providing you a choice of database engines means you have a choice of servers to run your repository including SGI, Sun, NT and Novell.

Integrated Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM)

FLEXSTOR DB optionally uses FLEXSTOR HSM to migrate files from one storage media to another. You decide the migration rules used to move files from magnetic, to optical or tape media. Once this is done, FLEXSTOR HSM does the rest. No longer is someone dedicated to managing your system storage resources. When your business rules change you can change FLEXSTOR. As business grows, add the storage media necessary to keep your shop running at peak efficiency.

Thumbnails of your high resolution images are commonly stored internally in the database. FLEXSTOR DB stores thumbnails externally and uses the power of FLEXSTOR HSM to manage access to both high resolution and thumbnail files. Five years from now when your magnetic disk storage is overflowing with thumbnails, migrate them to optical or tape media freeing expensive magnetic disk storage.

FLEXSTOR HSM provides complete backup and archive functionality in addition to storage management. Create mirrored (backup) copies of all information. These copies can be moved off-site for disaster recovery purposes. Mirrored writing coupled with RAID cache storage provides an extremely reliable file repository.

Scitex and OPI Compatible

FLEXSTOR DB has an optional IRMX server which mounts native SCITEX shuttles and optical drives. These files can now be moved to your network for archival storage in FLEXSTOR DB. FLEXSTOR DB also has an optional module to scan business documents into the repository. FLEXSTOR DB supports the Xinet OPI for creation of low resolution files for placement purposes and thumbnail viewing.

Supported Operating Systems, Networks, and Hardware

Operating Systems Drives and Jukeboxes Supported
  • Solaris
  • IRIX
  • NT
  • AIX
  • HP/UX
  • DISC
  • Exabyte
  • Fujitsu
  • Hewlett-Packard
  • Hitachi
  • IBM 3995
  • LMSI
  • Maxoptix
  • Metrum
  • Nikkyo
  • NKK
  • Odetics
  • Pinnacle Micro
  • Pioneer
  • Quantum-DLT
  • SONY

Rorke Data and the Rorke Data logo are registered trademarks of Rorke Data, Inc. FLEXSTOR, FLEXSTOR DB, FLEXSTOR HSM, and the FLEXSTOR logo are trademarks of Rorke Data Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Rorke Data, Incorporated, 9700 W.76th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, (800)328-8147,(612)829-0300, Fax(612)829-0988
Rorke Data Europe, Nautilusstraat 5a 7821 AG Emmen-The Netherlands, Tel.31-(0)591651165, Fax 31(0)591651185